This is why.

I do what I do, for many reasons. He’s the biggest reason, and sometimes it’s hard for people to understand that. For the past 18 years we’ve grown up together. He’s always been there, making sure I’m on the right path.I’ve grown into the person I am with the influence of many people, but he has definitely had the biggest impact on my life. I do things because I love him, because sometimes they aren’t easy, and because at times, I have no other options. When I’m sad and think things couldn’t possibly get worse, he’s the one who’s always there. He tells me that it’s all going to work out. When I need him, he’s the first one to respond.My flaws are still a vital part of who I am. The best thing about him is that he still loves me through my ups and downs, through thick and thin. I do things that are embarrassing, sometimes rude, and even hurtful. He forgives me ALL the time, and I love him.There are times in life where I don’t know who I am. I don’t know why I can’t let go of certain things and certain people. I don’t know why I make the choices I do. I get confused, and wonder what’s to come in the future; but all of these insecurities make up the best part of me--my curiosity. This curiosity extends much deeper than the average perception; It causes me to wonder how I can help people in desperate need. It makes me consider how other people are living. It challenges me to make a difference in the lives of others--and for this, I am grateful.So, when people ask why I do what I do, my answer is simple. I love. I love life, my friends, my family, my entire environment. I love to make a difference. Why? Because He loves me.
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