What is the driving force behind the many actions of human nature? In my opinion it is most simply happiness. Along with this thinking, I have found that happiness is why I do what I do in every facet of my life.
Volleyball has been a huge part of my life since the age of seven. My love of the game developed through my own family’s passion for it. As a member of the UCLA women’s volleyball team, during season I devote over 20 hours of my time to practices, weight lifting and games. Along with waking up for 7AM practices, the commitment is nothing less than brutal. But I do it for the intense moments in close games when I get a dig to revive the ball and put it back into play for one of my teammates to spike. The adrenaline rushing through me and the noises of the crowd releases endorphins in my body and it’s a high of happiness. All of the effort and countless hours of grueling practice is because of moments like these.
Relationships and falling in love is another thing that almost all people allow themselves to do. Nearly all relationships fail because they don’t lead to the ideal result of marriage. Despite this fact, being in love is the most euphoric feeling possible. I have dated a guy for two years and despite breaking up and enduring painful heartbreak, I put myself out there and at the time had never been so happy. He made me feel so incredibly special and whenever we spent time together the world seemed so right. The happiness that my boyfriend brought me was the driving force behind why I put so much effort into maintaining a healthy relationship.
Even simple everyday tasks and decisions I make are solely made on the basis of happiness. I allow myself to indulge in not so healthy things like sour patch watermelon candy and donuts. I know it’s not good for me, but I do it anyway because it makes me happy. If I have a night where I have a lot of homework or an opportunity to go out with girls on my team, going out is obviously the more appealing option. Normally, I would act on the desire to go out because I know that it is going to make me very happy, whereas secluding myself in my room and studying would make me feel isolated and sad. Clearly I am going to act on what makes me most happy.