To express how I really feel.

“ABC, it’s easy as 123, ah simple as do-re-mi.” Running my fingers along a piano is as simple as reciting the alphabet or counting numbers. I’ve had this 3rd way of expressing myself ever since learning to play the piano at the age of 4, and I am thankful for it. Am I the best musician? No. Does that really matter? No.What matters is my ability to express my thoughts and feelings through something other than speech. It is an outlet that allows me to show the world who I really am. As a shy individual, I often find myself stumbling in conversations with my words. This has always been my case, especially in school. Teachers ask for volunteers. I don’t budge. I know what I want to say. The words just don’t come out. That’s me. I’m just THAT quiet Asian kid who does well in school but doesn’t really talk.However, feelings that don’t seem to flow through my speech smoothly flow through my music and through my piano. Happiness. Sadness. Excitement. Sorrow. Love. Hate. Sitting at the piano bench, playing whatever I want. It just seems so natural. Why does music flow so smoothly when words do not? Do-re-mi, it’s easier than ABC, and simpler than 123. Or at least for me.
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