I never really thought about why I do what I do, I guess it just never occurred to me that every action has a reason. As I thought about I realized I do what I do for a number of reasons. Growing up my dad always said to me, “ To whom much is given, much is expected.” I always try to carry that emphasis with me in whatever I do because I feel I was blessed with abilities and always try to maximize my results. I do what I do because I don’t like to get things handed to me, because the reward is that much greater when it comes because I know I deserved it. When an opportunity arises that I am debating my will on, I always ask myself will I regret it if I do not do it? A quote from Mark Twain says, “ twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than the ones you did.” This just means to live life with no regrets, as if it was your last day on this wonderful planet.
       I also do what I do for other reasons besides inspirational quotes. I do what I do for my family. I love the look on my loved ones face’s as it fill with pride and joy from me after I complete yet another great accomplishment. I do what I do to stay healthy and be fit in shape just so I can be proud of myself.  I play football here at UCLA, so I have to wake up at 5 AM four days out of my week, sometimes it is hard to find drive and inspiration but dig deep for it, knowing it will help later in life for future jobs and what not. Such as when working my future job I will be ready to wake up and have my mind right for a good day of work. I do what I do because in the end of the day when no one is around and it is just the mirror and me, I ask myself, “Did I give it my best today?”
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