Posted by Andrew Law on October 15, 2009 at 3:11pm
It is hard for me to objectify my own state of mind and who I have become. Sure I am the product of my mother’s ever persistent motivation to have me study like any other Asian parent but I am also my father’s son. He always told me to work hard and to always do the right thing. So where do I stand now? I am at the crossroads of my life, college where what I choose to do here will ultimately determine the next 30-50 years of my life.In the past my I thought my purpose here was to be a hard worker in life so I could have a family and all follow the ever present American dream. Last year I changed that point of view to be that my purpose here in life was to find a girl and to make her happy. In turn, her happiness would bring me happiness and that would be all that I needed. And all of that was true and came true until that relationship came to an end. But it was from that ending of that relationship that I realize who I am and what I do should not be for others but for myself. Having a girlfriend blinded me from whom I really was and that is scary to realize that now in retrospect.So now I am nervous but determined college student who learns both academically and socially to better my own character. I push on in school knowing that studying and working hard will improve my chances surviving in the world when I make the transition to the working world. This is who I am, what I do, and why I do it.