Posted by David Estrada on October 15, 2009 at 5:00pm
In life we sometimes lose sight of what is truly important to the human heart and soul. We get caught up in our cultures’ materialistic approach which affects our morals and values. Through this we sometimes lose sight of our own self-image. We are taught to believe that more is better and forget that is not always necessarily the case. I am a student athlete and my mind has developed the tendency to always be competitive in whatever I do. I now realize this is not always the best way to approach life. I believe I am unique in every way possible. I do not follow the footsteps of others but create my own path through the journey of life for others to follow. I am Mexican-American and never been more proud to say it. I am a brother, son, and friend to everyone who knows me.Every day I feel like I am getting stronger. Not only am I working to improve my physical strength, but just as importantly, my mental strength. I am at a crossroads where I feel like I have various aspects which I need to improve on to become the man I want to be. Every single second, minute, hour, and day I am suffering for mistakes I made in the past. I am sacrificing my own true happiness to be a better man to hopefully one day, not necessarily be perfect, but be myself and look past the distractions and disturbances which distort my own self-image. I am going to be a better man for my future wife and kids.My own self-image was distorted at one point. The materialistic and selfish person that I was before has been slowly fading away. I attempt to look at life’s events through a deeper consciousness to hopefully find real meaning in everything I do. By working on my mental toughness as well as looking past the distortions in life, I will be able to focus on one single task and accomplish everything I set out to do for the betterment of myself and loved ones.