
Ilana GorenArts & Arc 10“Why do you do what you do?”I have a million different thoughts going through my head at any given moment. I worry all the time, and the thought, “What if…?” is a constant presence in my mind. I am the child of divorced parents, the younger sister of a boy with behavioral issues, and the older sister of a girl who has become the best friend I could ever know. I am the very close friend of four different girls currently located hundreds of miles away from one another, and I miss them more than words can say. I am a student, a daughter, a sister, and a friend – but most importantly, I am a young woman trying to establish a future for herself in a world with a future so bleak at times. All of these relationships cause me to strive to be the best I can be every day.Growing up with circumstances like mine, I became a realist. I am generally not optimistic, but I am realistic. I take everything that happens in my life in stride, and I learn from my mistakes and move on with my life. I have experienced things that many people my age have not, but that is not to say I don’t consider myself very blessed.I have people counting on me. Each and every day, I must remind myself that the actions and choices I make do not only affect myself, but many others as well. I know that one small mistake could jeopardize my future, and I am not willing to take that risk.So I wake up early every morning and go to class. I complete my homework assignments with time to spare. I eat and sleep regularly. I think very carefully before making important decisions that have the potential to change my life. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been given the opportunity to spend the next four years of my life at a place like this, and I won’t forget it. I do what I do because my future is riding on the choices I make.
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