I do what I do because I am afraid of disappointing people. Even painting and ballet, what I like to do now, started as just activities I did to make my parents proud and I stuck with them for years out of not wanting to disappoint them.I am an artistic person. I love to paint, sketch, and dance. From a very early age my parents had me going to art classes and ballet lessons. They made my sister and I try countless activities. We did figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, piano, skiing, jazz, ballet, and art. At first I was only dancing because of my parents. They thought we had found something I was talented at, so they pushed me to go. The same happened with art. I would do it mostly to make my parents proud and because I was good at it and liked the feeling of being talented at something. However, I started to resent having to take private art classes. When I moved on from art classes to dancing ballet several days a week, I began to hate it too. I would use every little excuse I could think of to get out of it when I wasn’t in the mood.When I was given more control over my activities was when I realized that I actually did enjoy doing these things. I started drawing and painting for fun, instead of just for an art class. I also realized that I love to do ballet. It gives me energy and allows me to be creative. Through art and ballet I can escape from reality, although in reality, I only started these things to please my parents.