Posted by Xiomara Gomez on October 15, 2009 at 6:15pm
I applied, entered, and remain in school because I was told that this is the path everyone takes or at least should take to succeed in life. A new world filled with more responsibilities, stress, worries, and above all, filled with questions. I was curious before I started attending UCLA, but I never knew I would become as curious as a toddler just starting to learn about life. The Questions which emerged were not just about the requirements of an assignment or questions about enrollment, but about life. “Why” is how most of my questions, if not all, began. Why is this like this and that like that?My 1 ½ to 2 hours bus ride home every Friday would give me enough time to reflect on the past week, quarter(s), or even year. Looking out the windows of the bus during those first years of college was enough to help me with my motion sickness and realize a few more things about life I had not noticed before. Even though on the freeway with little traffic it only takes around 20-30 minutes to get to campus, there are visible differences between school and home. Why are they so different?” I realized that these strong and visible distinctions were not the only problems; the error also lay within me because I had never paid close attention. The external problems started to become internal problems because the questions that emerged from the inside about my surroundings began to affect me. My questions and reexamination of who I am and where I come from led me on a path to learn more about myself.As a result, I realized that I go to school and do what I do because I have learned that one answer to a question is no longer enough. I do what I do, I ask questions, because there is not always one answer and one answer does not always apply to everything and everyone.