When my heart sunk

Kong, Bu Min


My dad’s 42nd birthday! My sisters and I were lighting up candles from the lobby to our apartment room so that our dad could feel special just by walking those steps back home.

“You’re lucky your dad is still alive,” said Ashley, back then a 7 year old neighbor.

“Hey, Ashley stop crying and what are you talking about? Your dad is still alive too.”

She just stood there looking at me with her teary eyes and slowly shook her head after a long, silent pause.  Confused and worried, we went to the third floor, where she lived with her dad.  As we were walking to her home I was praying to a god that I don’t even believe in that she would just yell, “Hahaha, I got u guys! Just kidding!” But after what felt like couple seconds, we were at her room where we could see her dad lying on the floor so quietly. After a minute of just freezing of horror, I stepped closer to Ashley’s dad and placed my hand on his back. I never knew a body could get that cold and… lifeless.

“Oh my god…” I stepped back thinking this whole situation was way beyond my maturity level.

“Please…” That one word Ashley said while falling on her knees – I just can’t get that one dam word out of my head. Still now, the way she looked at me while I was lighting up those candles and the way she said that one word stuck with me even after its been couple years since that incident.

Next day, she was gone and her home was empty. I have no idea what the heck happened to her but I dam sure hope she’s okay.

Why do I do what I do? Because I don’t want any kid to look at me the way Ashley did. Since the healthcare system in America is just so stupid, many people can’t afford to get proper treatments. As a premed student, I’m going to study as hard as I can, become a doctor, and set up a hospital for people with the lowest financial and social status (i.e. illegal immigrant).

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