Who is Max Ratkovich?

Max RatkovichArts & ArchitectureWDYDWYDThis is who I am… This is what I do… and this is why…People are weird. Take a look at me and you will see a prime example. Sure, I look like an average college student, but only seeing me doesn’t define me in my essence. Come meet me, and you will find out that I am much more than a UCLA student, a football player, a friend, a brother, a son, or maybe even an enemy (hopefully not). While I am all of these things, my persona goes much deeper than this. When someone asks who I am, I do not have an upfront answer to give, but what I can tell them is that I am a regretless optimist. Every morning when I wake up, I take my day as a challenge and as a test. I pack my schedule minute to minute with the three things that I crave the most: academics, athletics, and socializing. Staying well rounded and close to my family and friends are the most important things in my life, so I stay busy and make time for the people who mean a lot to me. As my grandpa used to tell my dad, who passed it on to me, “be a gentleman first, a scholar second, and anything you want to be after that third”. I have always taken these things to heart, and I feel that by following these obligations, it has shaped me into who I have become. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all the things that I try to cram into my day, but once I am back in bed to rest for the next day’s adventure, I do not regret doing what I attempted to do. I do not see the point of having free time. Making the most out of a day is what I am all about, and it always interests me on what I am able to learn to contribute to my unknown future. What lies ahead of me is what keeps my ambition running, and without the unknown to look forward to, I would not see an incentive to keep interest on what lies ahead.
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