Why Do I Do What I Do?

Why do I do what I do?Because I don't want to fade into the crowd.What exactly do I do?I live to fulfill a goal: to have a successful and happy life.I wake up every day, change, and get ready to be productive.I don’t have any special athletic skills or musical talents to try to hone every day.But that’s okay; I don’t need to win trophies or awards to be able to sleep at night.All I need is to feel like I didn’t just waste my day away.I’m an introverted but hard-working girl, trying to find my use in the world.I study, do homework, read the news, and hang out with my family and friends.I work diligently to succeed in college, but I make sure that I don’t neglect my relationships.After all, what’s the point of living if there’s no one to live for?I live so that society won’t move on and leave me behind.I live so that I’m not clueless about what’s happening around me.And so others know I exist in their world.My other alternative would be locking myself up in a room 24/7,staring at the ceiling for the rest of my life.But I don’t see the point in living like that.I don’t consider that living at all.
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