Posted by Tina Theriot on October 15, 2009 at 2:51pm
As The Who once asked, “Who are you? Who, who, who, who?” It really makes me wonder. But I believe the only ways to truly characterize and explain myself is by looking at what I do, enjoy, feel, and why I do it. I am a person of laughter, energy, and happiness. I am extremely loud, outgoing, and ready for adventures. For me, my life seems fairly simple and it is over all not too difficult to categorize or define myself and give my reasoning’s as to why I do what I do. What comes to my mind the second anyone asks, “define yourself,” is my instant reply that “I am an 800 meter runner for the UCLA track team.” Simple? Not exactly. The true character I show is during the second part of the conversation when the person asks, “why would you ever want to run?!” This is where I try to convince my peers, and unfortunately myself as well, as to why I do what I do.I live, laugh, love. I enjoy life to the fullest extent because it is what makes me happy. I run to stay healthy, clear my mind, push myself, and allow myself to exceed to my full potential. I test my strength, power, and determination with in every workout of everyday. I push myself in college academics and athletics to get a full education and a disciplined experience and therefore prepare myself for a successful job that I can enjoy one day. With out my education, I do not believe I will have an opportunity at a great job that is well paid and gratifying. With out running, I am nothing. Track and Field defines me. I am disciplined to wake up for the 5:45 practices and go to sleep at the early bedtimes needed. I am organized to know when, where and what attire I have to show up to practice in, daily. I strive to be the best at all times but sometimes am not, showing my patience. I do all of this because it makes me the person I am today. I am well respected upon my peers and many look up to the focus that I have. I love being in the light and setting the examples which is why you will always be seeing me putting in my 100% effort. All in all, I do what I do in life because I love happiness and try to enjoy every moment of everyday.