I literally travel to great distances in search of finding the more profound meaning of life. I find art in the structure and make up of other cultures. I am a curious girl that cannot turn down any big experience that gives me the chance to reform myself and heal others. For example, my trip to Africa fits into the category of my quest to finding a deeper meaning in my life. With my own eyes, I saw the reason for living.I am a healer of the world using natural God given life to do it. I am a person that finds truth by living through any pain and overcoming it naturally. If someone is sick, I tell them they don’t need the doctor, they need to look within themselves to find the reason why they feel the way they do and take herbs and natural medicine if they need assistance. Ironic, isn’t it, that I am in school to be a doctor? There are many types of doctors in the world, just as there are many breeds of people. My trip to Africa revealed to me that determination and love for the people is what gets a person through despicable times. Not one person is stripped from dreadful moments forever, those moments just shift from time to time and are different for each person, which is why this one thing, out of many things that I do, is there to unite the so called different types of people. It is God’s art that has been created to see the different breeds of people and the lives they make out of themselves. This is why the emphasis in my life is based on curing people from any place of the world through natural processes. It is the art of naturopathy: the idea that when sick, the body is what ultimately heals itself through homeopathic and alternative therapies that are used for assisting the body to fight for the strength of its own immune system. This is where I see light, when a healthy body is cured by life’s nature.