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Could I get an exact estimate? You know, the capital of New York is New York City. Benjamin Franklin? Wasn’t he the fourth president? No, these aren’t my words or the words of my friends. These are the astute comments of the truly brilliant, the “big whigs” we should all revere (thought those just existed in Britain?), and the great humanists of our time!Assuming you understand my sentence structure, you, who might be termed the reader, are probably thinking something like, “OKAY. So? We all make mistakes.” That’s definitely a fair point. After all, I did erase my thoughts four times in the writing of this sentence alone. So not knowing a little trivia certainly won’t reduce a person to triviality in my records. But I think that a deficiency of some common sense can be quite revealing. I mean, would you want to take a geography lesson from a person who could not locate France on a map? Or turn-in a completed form to a secretary who can not use his/her computer to record it?It is certainly reasonable if you, that reader, are still confused. I am known for causing confusion. Let me just say this: would you like it if a teacher of yours who is supposedly very well-educated and well-practiced in the art of elementary education – in fact, he’s a “professional” – wasted time the entire year checking stocks and doing online shopping? “Extra help? Eh. You learn from your peers,” he might declare. Well, how would you like it if that teacher essentially told you that you weren’t very capable, too? It’s a true story of mine, actually, and a small reason why I am in college. Trust me here; there are few pleasures as great as proving the “establishment” incorrect or as uncovering the truth beneath a pile of crap.I believe in the idea that one does not have to be perfect to be productive, but one can not be a hypocrite and call himself/herself virtuous. And I don’t think you need an M.A. or a rich uncle to understand that.
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