Posted by Seung Y. Yoo on October 16, 2009 at 3:00am
Yoo, SeungDiscussion 1A – Arts&Arch 1010/09/09Prof. WinterThis is a harder essay topic than it appears because I can easily answer the prompt in a sentence. I do what I do because otherwise I would be bored the heck out of life. I go out with friends to have fun. I go to parties to socialize and have fun. I eat to not be hungry when I am having fun. I study to be able to do have fun when I get older.People live because they are brought to this world involuntarily. We do not choose to live, but rather, life chooses us. Since we can’t plan to be born, life is something we have no control over. We only have one chance at life; people should only have one main purpose in the world, which is to live life to its fullest. I don’t do anything that is boring or unproductive. Of course there are activities that are more “boring” or less “productive” than others, but I always try my best to enjoy them or make them worth my time. I do not waste time because I believe everything I do is done for a reason.If I do not do any of these aforementioned things, I honestly would not be able to live due to boredom. I don’t know what I want to be. I am fickle so I won’t set a specific career goal. But I do have one goal in life and that is do the best I can in everything I do or need to do. I will always eat well, study hard, be friendly, and party hard! Everything else like marriage and career will naturally happen for me when I am ready. Yes I am cool like that.