Why Do You Do What You Do?

Evan ShihArts EncountersWinter/ChaeOctober 16th, 2009Why Do You Do What You Do?I’m Evan James Shih. I’m a son, a teenager, a student, a Christian, and a boyfriend. I’m an intellectual, an example, and a risk taker. At times, trying to fulfill each of those to my greatest potential can be straining. This is why I am also an athlete; more specifically, a basketball player.The chirping squeak of sneakers and the fragmented communication between teammates create an atmosphere of high intensity. The moment I step onto the court, nothing matters. Not that argument I had with my friend, not the shoddy grade I got on my test, not the drama or the stress or the hate. I vent all that frustration on the court. I take it out on the other team.I get the ball on offense and thoughts race through my head. Shoot? Dribble? Pass? I fake left and blow by my guy on the right. He’s just too slow and it costs him. One of his teammates slides over to help and I shuttle the ball to my open man. Swish! But now they’re coming back at us, and they’re hungry for a basket. My man receives the pass and he’s looking for revenge. I need to shut him down, there’s no way he’s going by me. But he does, and just like that they get the points back. No player is perfect.It comes down to who has more passion. Some guys might have more talent or height, but if you really want to win, and you put every last ounce of energy into the game, you’re going to come away with the win. All those laps you ran in practice, those pushups you did in the weight room, the shots you took when everyone had already left; this is where it pays off.Why do I play? I play to be active and competitive. I play so I have a place to take out my stress. I play for the glory, the pride, and the intensity. I play because I love the game.
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