"why do you do what you do?"

The most valuable lesson my mother taught me is to do what makes me happy. When she was younger, she worked only for the purpose of making money. She set aside her passions and to this day she regrets not pursuing them when she had the chance. After making it to UCLA, my mother and I had an important talk about my goals for the future. I have my mind set straight on a career, but I recently discovered something that I really enjoy doing, which is dancing.I started dancing over a year ago and I fell completely in love with it. Although there are many different styles of dancing, I prefer hip hop over anything. Dancing to hip hop music brings out a different side to me. One that is more fun-loving and free. This is one of the main reasons why I love dancing so much. It helps me escape reality and brings me into a state of relaxation and satisfaction. Dancing is a great way to relieve stress and it makes me feel as if the weight of the world is off my shoulders. When I dance, I feel as if I can finally enjoy life for what it is. I leave all my troubles behind and I get lost in the music. Even though I just started, I plan to gain experience and become an even better dancer. I hope that through this form of art, I will be able to express myself and grow to appreciate life.
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  • great,Diana,now when you know what you want,remember that the champion is not that one who always win,but the one who never gives up!Even it's a very competitive field,keep believing in yourself!Good luck
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