Why I Do What I Do

In this day and age a lot of people do things for so many different reason, whether it be for money, personal satisfaction, or to make others happy. I do what I do because I have a serious passion for it, and I do it for my family but my mom in particular. Your probably asking your self what it is that I do right now and to answer your question I play football.

            When I first started to play this game it was for just pure fun and wanting to compete with my friends. As I began to play longer and this game came to be more than just pure fun my reasons for playing began to change. I have always been a player that feeds off of those around me. I play for so much more than my self because I feel that I’m such a small equation to this game. My passion for this game has grown because football has taught me so many life lessons and I have met so many people through this game that I might have never known. It has taught me how to handle adverse situations  and it has also taught me how to deal with success. It has molded me into a competitor and a hard work on and off the field. This game also takes a great work ethic in which in this country is valued so much. While all these reasons are great there is one particular person in which I play for now. This person is my mom. My mom died from cancer my junior year in high school and this was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. She supported me in all I did and was always there for me. She let me know that I was great beyond measure and pushed me to set goals and strive to be my best. When I lost her I though about throwing in the towel and giving up because the game didn’t mean that much to me if the one I loved so dearly wasn’t there to cheer me on. When talking to my father about it he told me that he understood but what would my mom really want me to do. I knew that she would want me to stop playing so instead of making her death a negative I turned it into a positive and now ever time I take a step on the field I dedicate it to her my guardian angle.

            I do what I do because my passion for the game and what it teaches you and because I know the number one lady in my life loves to see me play and do good. I know that she is in heaven watching down on me and knowing this makes me proud to play the game every day.

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