
  • I am IH and II...just signed up for those groups...sorry for the delay
    • Hi Kevork, thanks!

      I added you and made you an admin for your groups now. I approved all but one student who was pending so that you could see how it works by going to approve pending students. I'm sure more folks will join soon. Let me know if you have Qs. Jonathan and Daniel gave me a call last night and I walked them through a few things.


      PS: You should get a direct email when you have new students who have requested to join.


      Sorry that this sounds complicated... it's just the best way to avoid non-students and spammers from finding their way into the groups.

  • I am TA for Sections 1G and 1O



  • Daniel Suk said he runs sections: 1K, 1J
    • I have 1A and 1B
    • Julia, I've made you an admin for your sections. You'll now be able to approve pending members and you'll see other options that we're visible before.


      Since we're doing groups in a new & different way this year (membership approval), I'm curious if you now get a direct email when students ask to become members of your two groups. Lemmie know.

    • I do get an email when they want to join.
  • Make sure you sign up for the section you're TAing.

    Find your section's group here.

    Then, tell me below which section you're running.


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