Specific due time for each assignment UPDATED

I just realized that I didn't have a specific time for the deadlines. Should I add that to the website instructions for the assignments?


I'd suggest these:

  • Part I — Jan 31- 9AM (but don't penalize them for turning it in as late as 12 midnight since I didn't make this change until Sat 29th)
  • Part II — Feb 7- 9AM
  • Part III — Feb 28 - 9AM


Note: There is a time/date stamp below each blog or photo posted, so you can tell if it is submitted on time.


I think 9am could be best b/c they'll finish it over the weekend rather than wait until Monday to do it.


Can someone confirm that I should add times, and that these work? Thanks!

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  • Hi you all, I made all the due-TIMES 9AM, but don't penalize them for turning Assignment #1 in as late as 12 midnight this Monday since I didn't make this change to instructions until Sat 29th).

    As you will see, each blog post and each photo uploaded by a student has a date/time stamp. So, you all should decide amongst the TA group about whether (1) you will accept assignments after the deadline, (2) you penalize students for being late or (3) not worry about whether it is not on time or not.
  • Those morning times look fine to me - would ensure that it is done by the previous "night" (some may prefer to work into the early morning hours).
  • Hi you all. I think the dates are set, but I was wondering more about whether a specific TIME is useful? I'm not sure what is normal for class assignments, which is why I asked. (I haven't yet put times on the web page with instructions).
  • These dates would work for me, but let's finalize them soon.
  • No preference here.
  • that's fine.  I believe these are the dates mentioned in class when you lectured. 


    Natasha is the lead TA, so maybe she is the most qualified, aside from Prof. Winter, to confirm the due dates.

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