Camp vibe — what's your opinion?

I thought it would be worth getting everyone's two cents on the tone/vibe we'd all like in our camp. We can be deliberate in how we approach it — then just let it happen. Many camps go over the top with camp activities, responsibilities & expectations. Pros: it can build a nice community. Cons: it's not as fun and ends up being lots of work. When Barton, Carla, Mardie and I talked initially, we were opting for a more low-key camp that minimizes responsibilities & time, but is still "lightly" deliberate about being a group/community. Setting the camp's tone is not something that can be controlled (as much as we could try to do that). It mostly depends on who shows up & their personal intentions & expectations. So, I thought it would be worth having people chime in... and that alone can serve to set a tone together. Then, we can just let go and see what happens.

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  • I'm also liking low key for this year, but I feel like I really go to know many of you last year, and I'm REALLY excited about just hanging out with you in our geodome (Thanks Hope). I think some fun camp meals and sharing costumes and just hanging out in the geodome will be a good start.
  • my two cents: chill & low-key are more my style... and yet, i know how to have fun. ;)
    i'm all about hanging out, as it happens naturally, but i don't want to rage.
    em fim, i don't want to have to plan or coordinate anything this year. i'm taking the year off from that... but i'll gladly help set-up, breakdown AND clean up stuff. just call on me and i'll be there.
    no responsibilities or expectations. just the ability to respond and living in expectancy.

    p.s. i second tony's layout ideas.
  • A few opinions of my own:

    1) Physical SPACE.
    The space goes a long way in setting a tone (without little else work needed after setting it up). Several years ago, we had only a little plot of land. Some were worried about it, but it ended up being perfect b/c it caused us to set up a nice space that wasn't as Balkanized when a camp spreads out and everyone has a little enclave that ends up becoming their hang space.

    Maybe a hub and spoke layout... where cars & tents loosely connect in a circle around the center dome. Also, if we avoid HUGE empty areas (esp between people), that helps. Perhaps as people arrive, they could pull in to a close comfortable distance from center.
    > also, avoid port-a-potties!
    > also, pay attention to where the sun rises (I can tell you if you forget)

    2) Activities.
    I'd suggest that nothing is mandatory. (except contributing to either camp set-up or final clean-up)
    > It would be great to do a camp dinner if someone wants to take it on, but no expectations about everyone anyone HAVING to be there (and no guilt trips).
    > We do have a potential to do a camp party... and use wdydwyd to promote it since it gets lots of attention. While this if fun, and we need someone to take the lead, it still shouldn't be mandatory.
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