Camp PARTY - should we do one? - ideas?

We have the opportunity to organize a camp party, if folks want. (I think with all the other wdydwyd work, I can't take the lead on this myself. But, shouldn't be hard, and I'm sure lots of folks will pitch in.)
1) When should we do it during week?
2) Where?
3) You have any ideas for what could make it cool?
4) Does anyone want to take lead on music?
5) Does anyone want to take lead on drinks?
6) Who else wants to help w/ this?
>> wdydwyd exhibit gets LOTS of foot traffic on the surround walls of Center Camp. If we decide when/where in advance, we can put a promo sign about the party.
>> I have had a polldaddy poll asking for volunteers who might want to be involved in wdydwyd somehow (either shooting photos or helping with a party). We have like 40 people signed up already.
One proposal to spark ideas & reactions:
>> Thursday 4-6pm (before people go get dressed for evening [or] Thurs 8-10pm (after dress up, just before the full night out)
>> Do it at the back wall of Center Camp where the wdydwyd exhibit is (we won't need to trash our camp, and can keep our dome for our own personal chill space)
>> Pull-up music (can someone find an art car that will dedicate 2 hrs to feed the party) (should we have our own DJ?)
>> Pull-up bar (how to pull this off? - does anyone know an art-car bar that could collaborate?
>> During party, create a loose perimeter, so it feels like a temporary space
What are your reactions, ideas, willingness to help make happen?

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  • i'm all for throwing down, but not for trashing our place or for playing "host."
    how about taking it to a place other than our camp?

    i vote for nighttime at the exhibit behind Center Camp... if you build it, they will come... along with spontaneous dance parties, art cars, good times, and then some.

    also, we could potentially scout out another art installation somewhere on the playa, but that would definitely require an art car or DJ present... sorry, don't know any.

    we could have a relatively chill gala and/or fun mixer with folks at our dome... but i'd rather not go for the flavor you had last year.

    finally, BYO... whatever. let's not worry about providing further stimulation beyond us, the project and/or the hypothetical music that will be there.
    • I totally agree the latter picture of what you painted. It might take people who know folks with ckick-ass art cars with sound systems.

      how can we collaborate wiht them on a date/time/place?

      Also, do we need to purchase a buch of booze?
    • if you want to buy booze, then go for it, but i'd rather not... especially as a camp collective b/c that means having to ask for money and decide what booze bring, etc.
      i say, bring your favorite & share.

      i vote for thursday night at the exhibit... but we can decide that once we get out to the playa on monday, no?
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