How many Burning Virgins this year???

I know there are 2 Burning Virgins from LA, Dan and Carlos. Both will have their own dedicated Burning Escorts. Are there any others? I'm just asking because I'll bring plenty of lube, but I broke my paddle on one of our Burning Virgins last year and one of the vets will need to bring one this year for the "breaking in" ceremony.

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  • Yes, we're in Missouri at the moment, upgrading our costumery!

    Randy and Mary

    (paddles? paddles! we don't need no stinking paddles...)
  • pop our BM cherries. but make it feel real good!

    elsie, cass, and berkeley
  • Two other virgins joining from Chapel Hill. Greg, you happen to know them?

    Randy Danziger (Chapel Hill, NC)
    Mary Burns (Chapel Hill, NC)
  • Two more virgins, and all the way from Chapel Hill - Greg's home town.
  • BM virgin here too. Be gentle - awwww, fuck it... spank away.
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