Using our own source code (independent of Ning)

Ning wrote: You are now able to access the code for your network through your Ning account. To edit the source code you can use any SFTP client to connect to port 22 and log in with your Ning ID (Tony's) and password. You should be able to edit the code or modify it using most IDEs. Tony Question: What's the diff btw and IDE and a consumer program like Dreamweaver? Will I be able to access the site with Dreamweaver (which is what I use currently - I only know basic stuff of course). Ning: Going forward, you will not receive automatic updates from us as we won't know which files you've altered. Tony Question: isn't this a problem? Ning is always going to be adding new features and improvements. There is a way to do lots of changes to the code itself without having to download and maintain it all ourselves. If you login to my account and go to Manage, there is a Source Code button that doesn't appear for anyone else -- even though you're a site administrator. If you can do everything you need from that, it might be a more reliable way to go. What do you think? Ning wrote: To get these updates, you would have to merge your code with ours using a merging tool. Tony Question: what does this entail? what are drawbacks or potential risks with this? Ning wrote: Or if you haven't done any development on your network and decide you want to go back to getting automatic updates, just let us know! Tony Question: so, this makes it sound like coding on our own is a point past which we cannot return! scary! is it true? Ning wrote: Check out and for more information on Ning development.

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  • Gina (one of the founders of Ning) wrote this... can you explain more what she means?

    <<(if we use maintain our own source code, then we) won't get (Ning updates) automatically. Personally, I'd let us do what we need to do from our end to expand the number of photos per album, etc,>>

    Karo, does that mean we can still get updates manually... and would it be easy to 1) keep the modifications you make but yet 2) get their updates and improvements?

    Would it be easy for you to show me how to do this manual update? (Basically, I want to achieve this scenario: if you get hit by the proverbial bus, i am not stuck doing anything that needs to be done.)
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