Camp questions and answers

I'm a BM virgin this year, and I'm reading everything I can find on the BM site to orient myself as to what to expect and how to thrive on the playa (trying to keep my newbie questions to a minimum).

On the off chance there are other virgins in this year's camp, I thought it'd be nice to have a place where we can ask questions and get clarity on how to best contribute to a great camp experience in addition to the overall Burning Man experience.

So, here's where to place the Questions (and hopefully Answers, too). Looking forward to seeing everyone out on the playa!

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  • Some of you all have been trying to figure out how to change names on tickets... this link might be useful.

    Info about changing the name on a ticket at Will Call:
  • A useful thing to get is mylar – (pictured left). This would go in the windshield or any other windows or can be used over your tent (especially directly where the morning sun comes up... see map for where). It prevents your tent, car or van from turning into a toaster when you’re sleeping in the morning or day. There is a Home Depot in Reno.

    Here is a pic. There is also kind that is sort of a bubble-wrap texture.

  • Is anyone bringing a generator? or we're each on our own for bringing sufficient battery stocks to keep any/all electrical gadgets and gizmos charged?
    • Hey Thomas. I will have generators for the RV air conditioner. The AC maxes them out so we can't run anything else on them when we're running the AC. We will run them an hour or so to charge the car batteries that run the camp lights. The other limiting factor is gas. We have to bring a lot to get through the week and we just bring enough to get us through the AC use. I would say bring plenty of batteries. I don't think you can depend on us for much power.
    • Thanks for the expectations setting! I'll be modifying my packing list accordingly.
    • Michael Barton has a generator for his RV. But, I don't know how much it can handle. We usually only run the camp lights and stereo from it. It is good to stock up on lots of batteries for things and run it from those if you can.

      Michael, what's the story on using the generator?
  • Burt emailed me this question: "Are there people going who I could ride along with, and how long do they generally stay there?"

    I'm sure people are planning diff ways of going out there... but I'm not tracking whose going with whom... just arrivals and departures.

    i'm going up the week before... mardie is flying in a 4-seater plane w/ a friend.

    Some come Monday am and some Thursday, but most people will be there by Thurs. Check the discussion for latest info:
  • Hi Thomas. Barton here. I usually host an orientation each year for burning virgins, and have had as many as 40 burning virgins one year. I have several documents I put together (combo of info off of the BM site and my own notes and notes from long-time burners). I would be happy to send them to you if you will give me an email address. Also, you can reach me at 310-749-7214 at any time with questions. I good virgin is a well prepared virgin. I'm happy to help in any way I can. I look forward to meeting you on the playa.
    • Michael, could you post them here? There is an "Upload Files" link right below each post you write. Since this group is private, it won't be avail to anyone else.
    • Michael already sent them to me, so I'll take care of posting them right here!

      Camp Etiquette.doc

      Orientation Topics.doc

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