Towards the end of lecture, Frank Drier made an interesting in point in how theater takes you on a journey through time and makes you think about things in a way you usually don't. He also said that plays make you realize things that you wouldn't have without watching that particular show. Through his speech i realized something when he made the point that, after that class we would be two hours closer to death. It made me think about how short our time is on this earth, and how we have to make sure that while we are here, we are using our time productively and doing things that we enjoy. I hadn't thought of this for a while and listening to him reminded me to enjoy the moments we have in life.
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Ya i was thinking about it also, and for a while i couldnt decide if what he was saying was pessimistic or optimistic, but finally i realized the way he put was pessimistic but it left a lot of room for optimism as well. Also i agree it does make u really think about enjoying each moment we have. He also left a lot of room to interpritation, so i guess it can be optimistic or pessimistic depending.
Yeah, that statement that Mr. Drier made was somewhat of a paradox—to me at least—because on the one hand, putting death in those terms is a bit depressing, while on the other hand—as you aptly put it—it also inspires a bit of optimism about enjoying each moment we have, kind of slipping a "carpe diem lens," so to speak, on life.