If you love what you do for example a sport or dance... Is it considered a talent or a skill?
If it is... Does that mean that all art that is done through passion and love is considered to be real art and the artist is talented?
What is the deciding factor that determines whether or not art is ART?
I was curious to read what everyone would say and to break down the readings as well... the readings state that the concepts of Beauty as well as Art parallel to the judgments of beauty and art;
Are from exhausting all that has been written on the subject
While the The concept of beauty completely abolished according to Sully’s definition of art which is "the production of an abiding or transient object capable of giving active enjoyment and a pleasurable impression to a certain # of spectators or listeners, regardless of the advantage to be derived from it."
In addition the Two fundamental views concerning beauty are that;
Beauty is something existing in itself, a manifestation of the absolutely perfect-->idea, spirit, will, and God
• Which is adopted by Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, by the philosophizing Frenchmen, . and the second-rate aesthetic philosophers.
Beauty is a certain pleasure we experience. Which does not have personal advantage at its aim
• Definition of beauty is spread mostly among English aestheticians; mostly younger portion of our . society
o Finally an objective definition of art does not exist;
Therefore every opinion we have about art... are just that opinions even though they may have a substantial amount of factual information behind them.
I noticed that when I answered my initial question out loud that every answer I gave was . brought about through my own schemas about art...based on what I wanted art to be and . what I wanted it to be characterized... BUT I CAN NOT PUT ART INTO A BOX AND TRY TO MOLD IT . . INTO WHAT I WANT IT TO BE
I believe different people are better equipped for certain tasks, which gives them obvious advantages. Just as height is almost always an advantage in basketball, I feel there is something physically different in great artists' minds that lets them naturally master their skill. However, I feel it is definitely possible for people without these physical "gifts" to reach the same mastery, usually with more effort and practice. I believe one of the greatest aspects of the human condition is being able to completely master a skill through repetition and dedication to hard work, and without a need for a "talent" or physical advantage. What is more impressive?
In response to your question, although I wish I could say yes to the first, I'm going to say no. but take this with a grain of salt.
I don't believe that art is purely done through passion and love, although conversely one MUST have love for what they do if it is to be considered art, does that make sense?
Let me give you an example. I love to sing. I love to sing in the shower, to my steering wheel, in my room, at karaoke bars, on rock band, etc. I think music is amazing, and some lyrics and tunes are so catchy that I HAVE to sing along to them. However, I definitely do not consider my singing a talent, and many of my friends and family will vouch for that. I have an abysmal singing voice, but I love it.
On the flip side, if someone has an amazing voice but does not love to sing, they sure as hell won't practice, hone their skills, and turn that voice into an art. So while I believe the love doesn't merit a talent/art, I feel that to have beautiful art, there must be passion on the part of the artist.
I have to agree with Evan on this one as long as you have passion in what you do I believe its art...maybe not what one might consider "high art" but it is indeed art.
Are from exhausting all that has been written on the subject
While the The concept of beauty completely abolished according to Sully’s definition of art which is "the production of an abiding or transient object capable of giving active enjoyment and a pleasurable impression to a certain # of spectators or listeners, regardless of the advantage to be derived from it."
In addition the Two fundamental views concerning beauty are that;
Beauty is something existing in itself, a manifestation of the absolutely perfect-->idea, spirit, will, and God
• Which is adopted by Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, by the philosophizing Frenchmen, . and the second-rate aesthetic philosophers.
Beauty is a certain pleasure we experience. Which does not have personal advantage at its aim
• Definition of beauty is spread mostly among English aestheticians; mostly younger portion of our . society
o Finally an objective definition of art does not exist;
Therefore every opinion we have about art... are just that opinions even though they may have a substantial amount of factual information behind them.
I noticed that when I answered my initial question out loud that every answer I gave was . brought about through my own schemas about art...based on what I wanted art to be and . what I wanted it to be characterized... BUT I CAN NOT PUT ART INTO A BOX AND TRY TO MOLD IT . . INTO WHAT I WANT IT TO BE
In response to your question, although I wish I could say yes to the first, I'm going to say no. but take this with a grain of salt.
I don't believe that art is purely done through passion and love, although conversely one MUST have love for what they do if it is to be considered art, does that make sense?
Let me give you an example. I love to sing. I love to sing in the shower, to my steering wheel, in my room, at karaoke bars, on rock band, etc. I think music is amazing, and some lyrics and tunes are so catchy that I HAVE to sing along to them. However, I definitely do not consider my singing a talent, and many of my friends and family will vouch for that. I have an abysmal singing voice, but I love it.
On the flip side, if someone has an amazing voice but does not love to sing, they sure as hell won't practice, hone their skills, and turn that voice into an art. So while I believe the love doesn't merit a talent/art, I feel that to have beautiful art, there must be passion on the part of the artist.