Instructions for RATING photos

Here are the steps for rating photos. FYI, you can invite people from outside the class to rate your photo… friends, family, etc. Questions? - pls post them below & I'll answer SCREEN 1 screenshot 1 SCREEN 2 screenshot 2 SCREEN 3 screenshot 3 FAQ: Question: a couple of us were looking at the top highest andsome of them have 4 to 5 stars but like 8 votes, when there are some with more votes and about the same rating. We wanted to know how it worked.
Answer: If there are only two votes for a photo (each of 5 stars), then that will be rated by the site as higher than a photo with three votes of 5, 5 & 4 (b/c the average will be lower). I will only consider photos which have more than 5 votes, so that will prevent a photo with only one 5-star rating from being the top image. Also, the site rounds off in showing number of stars. No worries, though, i'll be able to get the precise numerical rating.

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