Occupation/type of work (students: field of study)
Philosophy Student
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Little bit more about me:
I am 18 years old, i am kind of a hippie. I am a pacifist, heavy duty weed smoker and foremost a dreamer. My wdydwyd answer is "To flood the streets with love" as the back of my velvet jacket says. By smiling and being jolly i hope to inflict upon others my joy and love for all the little and special things in life... There is so much more to me, but i cannot express it in words...
Hello Lasse - or Lalo is it now? The world is certainly going to hell in a hand basket isn't it? Like the old saying goes: "Everybody is crazy but Thee and Me, and sometimes I wonder about Thee. Good to hear from you. What's going on?IMG_2635.JPG
Are you going into Copenhagen for any of the protests around the Global Warming Conference? I heard December 18th promises to be a fun party.
I'm interested in the long-time, I guess you call them the "colonists" of Greenland. Once-upon-a-time I met a woman from Thule who was a GIANT . I was amazed, and the tiniest bit love-smitten or something similar. She was TALL and BIG and MUSCULAR. Are a lot of people from Greenland that big?