I do what I do because I care for my baby sister. Her name is Tatyana Jenae’ Brown and she’s 5 years old. I and she are like two peas in a pot when we are playing around and/or play fighting. I mostly take care of her since the job that my mom has doesn’t allow her to stay at home a lot. We really don’t take things very serious when are vet snacks, and go to sleep. Like if we are at church we’ll play around so that we won’t fall asleep or get bored in church. We get in trouble together and we laugh together. So I guess you can say we do everything together. You can basically say that we are like best friend in a way. I basically get and iron her clothes every morning for school, make sure she takes her bath/shower and I make sure she eats and uses the bathroom before she goes to bed at night. If I have money and she really wants something at the store then I would buy it for her. That is the reason why I do what I do.
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