reflections on wdydwyd...

I first found out about wdydwyd at Burning man in 05... I saw some of the images and I thought it was brillant!!The next year, we stumbled across the team out there and I was lucky enough to get to participate.That was 2 years ago, and I am reflecting on my answer... SO much has happened in the past two years that I wondered if it was still relevant... do I know myself better, what would I answer now if I never heard the question before... or remember what I said then?I said I CHOOSE, I choose to be happy and make a difference...I was at a point where I was waking up to the possibilities in my life and the power I have in the choices I make... of course we all CHOOSE things, but with being aware that you choose EVERYTHING in your life comes responsibility!Awareness and responsibility for yourself!I still think that why and what I do is of course based on my choices, what I choose to do with my life, my heart, my resources... though I can say I am making strides to live in a larger and expansive space than I did two years ago...Strength/Power and Freedom of Expression... becoming more me...
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  • Hi Vanessa, I love hearing longer reflections about people's answers and I love your story.

    yours is one of my favorite pictures from the playa. you going again this year?
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