So it's about 11:10 on a Thursday. at the Fire Station, just got back from a call. Since I joined this site, I've been dwelling on the thought"why do I do what I do?" Why? There's no easy answer to the question. No pithy little catch smart ass comment.Not sure how to sum up an answer to a profound question. It deserves more. The idea of it.I guess I can partition my answers to parts of my life.My wife. I married her because she was (and is) the first woman I've ever known who makes me want to live a simple, but meaningful life. I want to see what the future holds for us.My work. I'm a firefighter because it's the first job I've ever had where I look in the mirror in the morning and know that even if I don't leave the station all shift, I still make a difference. It's the best career anyone could possibly have. An extended family.Being a Paramedic is the other side of that coin. Whether it's a stubbed toe or a heart attack, I still give the same level of care. I still love helping people, even though I should be a complete burn out by now.Anyway, I'll try to come up with a better answer to the question ltr...
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  • it sounds like you spend most of your time on the people around you, so how would you describe what you do from the position of the people around you? The question in sincere and i really am wondering- if you were your wife or the person with the stubbed toe, how do you think they would describe your motivations?
  • That is an awesome answer... I always love it when people write more words describing what is so hard to describe about out motivations.

    I can see a picture into your world... even if only slightly... and why you do it. Thank you.
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