Be not afraid of Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow

Why do some of us when living in a tragic situation, live in the past? Are we so consumed with the familiar that it scares us to go into the unknown?

I have been asked that question many times but for me, going into the unknown has always been a big part of my life. I am not afraid to take on new challenges or make alterations to my life. I have always been adventurous and different than most people I know. I was never scared to start something new, or move on to a new life; I have done it many many times. I believe that was one of my biggest flaws, truth be told, when I was faced with something tragic and fearful, instead of facing the issues and dealing with them, I would run away, start fresh and because of that leaving it in the past, I never faced the reality of the situation. This is the first time in my life, where I have not been able to move on and I am facing the unknown for the first time.

Coming to realize that, I believe that is why I do not move on, I am living in my moment. Although these moments of grief, hurt, pain, sorrow are very difficult, I know that it is bringing out the better person in me. The one who will learn and flourish in the end to a better relationship with everyone. I can be sure that because of my new experience of a bad relationship, I will have discovered how to be with myself, alone, hear my voice and never let anyone side track my thinking or my beliefs. I have lost that person whom used to stand up for what she believed in and losing that is the scariest part of who I am.

Therefore, my loving one man unconditionally was the best thing that could have ever happened. Free yourself today, remember yesterday and look forward to you in the new tomorrow.

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  • i like the last line of that post because I feel like living inthe past just pushed you farther and farther away from where you want to end up. I try and create new oppurtunities for myself everyday, working towards what i want my future to become and the person i want to be.  Learn from your mistakes and dont make them again as you move forward through life.

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