Right now, I am focusing on Finishing my Masters Degree, in hopes of entering the Assistive Technology (AT) field. I stumbled on AT as a person with learning challenges, and noticed how simple technologies have made a vast improvement in my life. I
learning (4)
Why do some of us when living in a tragic situation, live in the past? Are we so consumed with the familiar that it scares us to go into the unknown?
I have been asked that question many times but for me, going into the unknown has always been a big p
This site is not part of the web 2.0 experience but it is an excellent resource for teachers.
A consistenttheme of ADPRIMA is summed up in a simple declarative sentence: "Anything not understood in more than one way is not under
Hello TwT class and welcome to our class page.
"wdydwyd?" is a great assignment for digital learners -- digital immigrants learning to play with Web 2.0 toys --- photography, design, art, experience leadership, view other college classes & clubs, high