BM 2012 - INSTRUCTIONS if you plan to collaborate

Below are instructions if you want to collaborate this year. It will be a more of a self-directed project this year, but will gear up for a big exhibit in 2013 on the back fence of Center Camp.

The reason I can't join you all this year (from my son, "Durham"):


  1. The only parameters of the project is (1) answer "wdydwyd?" (why do you do what you do?) (2) combine text w/image or video. Otherwise, experiment! For example, you could ask people to write on their skin – examples:
  2. In contrast with past years, there is not a central area and a "shoot schedule" — it's all on your own whenever you want to to it. In fact, this is how we did it in 2004 & 2005, and it works great.
  3. If possible, print & bring with you: TIPS, INSTRUCTIONS & EXAMPLES (note, there may be 2011-specific instructions in this, so ignore those). The examples in the PDF are very useful to have for showing people when you ask them to do a portrait.
  4. BE SELF SUFFICIENT. In the spirit of BM, figure things out the best you can. Improvise. Problem solve. Make things happen.
  5. SUBJECT RELEASES: Burners will write their answer on the blank side, fill out release on other. You can either print copies of this file: OR, find Derek "Yay Fuzzy" on playa. He has put some in a trunk labeled "wdydwyd?" located at Greeters Camp (D & 6:00) He is specifically at 6:10 & Route 66 (inside Rod's Ring surrounding Center Camp), but you can ask for "Yay Fuzzy."
  6. RETURN COMPLETED RELEASES/SIGNS in the trunk that Yay Fuzzy has at Greeters Camp, or mail to me afterwards to 1230 Market St. PMB 508, San Francisco, CA 94102
  7. PHOTOGRAPHERS' AGREEMENT: You can snail-mail or e-mail me afterwards. (the date may need to be changed).
  8. Bring a few SHARPIES so that people can read the text in people's sign.

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