Welcome Cooper High School students! As our year progresses, so will your insight into yourself. Our group will provide you with a forum to display your work, and discuss the work of other students.
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- thank you Surfcontrol -I offer you your first challenge.In addition to your assignment, create WDYDWYD's for people outside the walls of Cooper. These lucky people can be your friends, or family, or a random stranger you meet at Kroger. Upload these to this site - tag them with RCHS and Friends/Family. For each one completed you will earn extra credit (1 point - but those points add up).
ALL RCHS photos (the ones from class, and your friends/family images) will be posted to our page. You will vote on the best, and the best of the best will earn something special - you'll find out what it is at a later date...
So, go forth, and photo.