Last year I discovered this website whilst working on a digital self portrait project with my 9th and tenth grade students. It was such a great way to show them portraiture that incorporated text and was displayed on the web. I was really not concerned about having students post their work or their images online because they are all so dialed in already with Facebook and Myspace. This was a great project to show them appropriate use of technology, graphic design applications, and the internet.
This year I am at a new school, in a new country, with a lot more technology and resources available. Although I taught a digital imaging course here this fall we unfortunately did not get to the WDYDWYD portrait project. I am really looking forward to incorporating this lesson into the graphic design courses next year. I think this is a great teaching resource for students in the Design or Visual Arts fields. It is a real-time example of how to place text and graphics in a public content.
Teachers, if you have any questions or want to discuss anything drop me a note.
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