Occupation/type of work (students: field of study)
SVP for Community Philanthropy at Foundation For The Carolinas
Your website, blog or Flickr stream
Little bit more about me:
Currently work as SVP/Community Philanthropy for one of the largest community foundations in the country (Charlotte). I'm also responsible for all of our civic leadership activities which include a huge social capital initiative (crossroadscharlotte.org) and a 500 mile greenway/trails effort (carolinathreadtrail.org). Work in the past includes great organizations like KaBOOM!, Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Camps (Victory Junction) and Phoenix House. Enjoy my family, photography and reading.
Looking forward to helping! BTW, would love to discuss a huge diversity project I'll be working on--major funding from Knight. You can get a taste at www.crossroadscharlotte.org, but we'll be expanding and trying some new social networking ideas--may be some ways to work together. I showed the team the wdydwyd site and they loved the concept. Later,