The unfortunate truth seems to be that life is inevitably filled with hardship, stress, sadness and fear, and however essential these obstacles may be for personal growth and experience, I do not live for these moments. Instead, I live for the laughter that infiltrates not only the good times, but the bad and the scary. The cliché about finding the silver lining to every dark cloud comes to mind… without allowing yourself to be happy and lighthearted, especially which it is difficult to do, the worst moments will only feel more unbearable. So, I remind myself, whenever necessary, to find the humor in every situation, to belly laugh whenever possible, and to smile through the tears when they won’t stop flowing. I treasure the experiences that have shaped my existence, however even more I treasure every giggle I can muster during these moments because, after all, I am really here to enjoy the FUN life has to offer.
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