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EXAMPLES from 2009 sections: (you can follow the links)
What Holds Us Back as a Society? 15 Replies
I wanted to get all of your opinions about what causes ignorance in contemporary American society? Why are people hateful? Is there one, a few, or no reasons for why some of us just can't set aside o…
Tagged: ignorance, racism, diversity
Started by Josh Canter. Last reply by Gyujin Jo Dec. 12, 2009.
celebrities 18 Replies
do any of them motivate you? for me yes
Started by Alan Hwang. Last reply by SangA Choi Dec. 11, 2009.
Who do you view as the greatest influence in your life? 5 Replies
I believe that my mother has been the greatest influence in my life. She is the parent that i have spent the most time with and she has taught me many of the values that i hold today. She's given me…
Started by Sean Hunter. Last reply by SangA Choi Dec. 11, 2009.
Who do you work so hard for? 17 Replies
Ever since I was a child my mother encouraged me to pursue a career in the medical field. I was never really passionate about a particular field of study, however it seems as if my parents motivation…
Started by Payush Chatta. Last reply by SangA Choi Dec. 11, 2009.
4th Performance? 7 Replies
What did you guys watch as your fourth performance and what did you think of it? I ended up watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" at the Pantages Theater and enjoyed it more than I expected to.…
Started by Darren Pan. Last reply by Josh Canter Dec. 8, 2009.
Will hatred ever come to an end? 9 Replies
Violence is always evident in everyday life. We try to ignore it and live life as peacefully as we can, but the hatred that exists today always makes us think of how we can resolve it. Will we ever r…
Started by Pedro Hernandez. Last reply by Josh Canter Dec. 6, 2009.
Do you guys think professional athletes play for the money or for the passion of their game? 15 Replies
Honestly, I have mixed feelings about this. I feel that some players like Kobe Bryant play because they love the game, but there are also some that are greedy. What do you guys think?
Started by Pinsing Chen. Last reply by Kunhee Hong Dec. 6, 2009.
Relationship- Dating 22 Replies
What is your perspective on dating? We're going through a relationship series at church =p
Started by Ivy (Choi) Tam. Last reply by Eric Dec. 16, 2009.
Do you find yourself living your life based on other people's expectations? 8 Replies
I don't know why this came to mind but I wanted to know if anyone feels like they're living their life based on how people expect them to live it. For example, some of us have parents who always want…
Started by Elizabeth Grigoryan. Last reply by Christina Dang Oct. 26, 2009.
What was your life defining moment? 2 Replies
I think this question could very possibly tie into the question "why do you do what you do?" Sometimes the life defining moment is the reason some people do what they do. But, as we know, that's not…
Started by Carmen Tam. Last reply by Danning Ma Oct. 23, 2009.
What are the habits that make you who you are? 9 Replies
For me, both good habits (attempting to eat well, working to my maximum potential, and caring about others) and the not so good (PROCRASTINATING!, being too hard on myself, not exercising on a regula…
Started by Hillary Russ. Last reply by Carmen Tam Oct. 15, 2009.
What's interesting about this whole assignment? 3 Replies
I guess the most interesting thing is sharing the idea, about really personal thoughts. When we ask this kind of question, why do you do what you do, to friends or anybody around us, we don't get res…
Started by Jung Kim. Last reply by Lilia A. Oct. 28, 2009.
Out of 7 values, what values were deserted? and why did you keep last three? 9 Replies
I like you guys. Let us talk about this life time issue!
Started by Jeehai Song. Last reply by Cathia Sanchez Oct. 27, 2009.
Performances 6 Replies
Hey! what was everyones first impression of this Website??
Started by Stephanie I. Anyanwu. Last reply by Stephanie I. Anyanwu Oct. 26, 2009.
What is ART? 6 Replies
In discussion we have mentioned several different definitions of art. Some of these definitions are very narrow and specific, yet others are very broad and inclusive. Outside of typical examples of a…
Started by Jerome Ma. Last reply by Jung Kim Oct. 26, 2009.
communicating online... who cares? 7 Replies
What do you think about communicating personal details of who we are in this type of media?
Started by Veronica S Pacheco. Last reply by Ali Haghighi Oct. 16, 2009.
why do you think it's ok to not to post anything here?:) 2 Replies
because we don't really care about anybody's thoughts and feelings,we care about our own little world,where nobody else matters,but our ego...we don't have time for anything and anyone and than blame…
Started by natalia kartashova. Last reply by Christina Dang Oct. 15, 2009.
What inspires us to create art? 11 Replies
I'm sure we all make art in some shape or form whether its visual or performing art. So I'm interested to know what inspires people to make art? Even though I'm a science major myself, I also paint a…
Started by Danning Ma. Last reply by Christina Dang Oct. 15, 2009.
Anyone need a group for the week 9/10 project? 5 Replies
Since contributing creative talents to a group is a type of community art, I don't see how I can't start a discussion on it! Haha. I'd like to get together a group, so let me know if you're interested.
Started by Alexandra Nguyen. Last reply by Kyle Tom Nov. 8, 2009.
Is it better to be 'normal' in our society? 6 Replies
I just read a novel and it states that it is better to be 'normal'. The character addresses that 'talent' can be an obstacle when setting up the basic relationship in one community since 'talent' create a 'gap' with 'most peoples'. Also, 'talent' ca…
Started by Hsxin. Last reply by Anne Luu Nov. 6, 2009.
men vs. women 3 Replies
why are women more obsessed with beauty the men? Have women been conditioned to desire beauty since birth?
Started by tuthientran. Last reply by Anne Luu Nov. 6, 2009.
Influence of media on today’s individuals 8 Replies
Media today has been said to have a great affect on today's society. Whether it is through the images of people that are portrayed on television, movies, and in magazines or the ways in which those individuals act, media has become such a big part o…
Started by Marie Hovsepian. Last reply by Andrew Magee Nov. 4, 2009.
Post ArtArc10 Reflection
Though the class is officially over, I was curious to know (because let's be honest, I'm sure we could all use a few extra points so I figured I would open another forum for discussion) - whether thi…
Tagged: Reflection
Started by Helen Avunjian Dec. 9, 2009.
wdybwyb? 11 Replies
hey guys! figured i'd start the first discussion as a kind of spinoff of wdydwyd? by asking the question, "Why do you believe what you believe?" Feel free to answer with anything from your outlook o…
Tagged: belief, philosophy, life, religion, outlook
Started by Nivedan Nayak. Last reply by Helen Avunjian Dec. 9, 2009.
Body Image 1 Reply
I'm doing some research on body image and I just wanted to know what your opinions are. For example, what are the main factors that causes people, especially women, to change their body image. We all…
Started by Tami Bi. Last reply by Nancy L. Dec. 4, 2009.
why i do it 22 Replies
i am a goldfish and the piano is my bowl.
Started by Lana Chae. Last reply by ashley Oct. 26, 2009.
good habits/ bad habits 20 Replies
three things that serve me well: playing piano, choosing projects that are too ambitious, leaving extra margin before deadlines. three things that hinder me: succumbing to self-loathing/self-criticis…
Started by Lana Chae. Last reply by Samuel Blanco Oct. 27, 2009.
dance 9 Replies
I would like to know why, regardless of how much of their whole heart, soul, life, time, and energy dancers can put into their art of dancing, they fail to make the fortune that an actor has the abil…
Started by Mibella Villafana. Last reply by ashley Oct. 26, 2009.
Love=Skill 8 Replies
If you love what you do for example a sport or dance... Is it considered a talent or a skill? If it is... Does that mean that all art that is done through passion and love is considered to be real ar…
Started by ashley. Last reply by ashley Oct. 26, 2009.
Why is it so hard to answer the question? 5 Replies
Why is it so hard to answer the question "Why do you do what you do?" I just finished watching a documentary called "What about me" and a wise old lady in it made the following statement: "It is only…
Started by Clara Tsao. Last reply by Aaron Sias Oct. 25, 2009.
Gal Costa 5 Replies
I just watched Gal Costa, and was actually very amazed at how I felt after watching the show. In short, I really enjoyed the show and fell in love with the singer (Gal). In between some of her songs…
Started by Sewit Mehanzel. Last reply by Samuel Blanco Oct. 27, 2009.
Favorite part of the project! 5 Replies
My favorite part of this project was creating the still image. I feel like this aspect of the project forced me to be creative and artistic, something that I am not really used to. Overall, this proj…
Started by Sewit Mehanzel. Last reply by Aaron Sias Oct. 28, 2009.
a theory to be shared 4 Replies
Relating to our discussion about what makes a piece of art high quality or not, I felt it's a double-edged sword. While it is important to look at a piece of art and see where the artist was coming…
Started by David Shamash. Last reply by Valentina nguyen Oct. 26, 2009.
WYDWYD 4 Replies
What if we do things simply do do them? u have no deeper mean then to live and live right? how can i try and make that deep? I dont even know y i live like that....i see meaning in life, things make…
Started by kjsnook. Last reply by David Shamash Oct. 26, 2009.
In regards to the Speaker in Lecture on Wednesday about Theater (Frank Drier) 4 Replies
Towards the end of lecture, Frank Drier made an interesting in point in how theater takes you on a journey through time and makes you think about things in a way you usually don't. He also said that…
Started by natasha Weidemann. Last reply by Sewit Mehanzel Oct. 21, 2009.
Live performances 19 Replies
Wanted to know which live performances people have chosen to go to and if there was any particular reason for choosing them
Tagged: #wdydwyd
Started by Raghav Goyal. Last reply by Heather Gregg Oct. 22, 2009.
Someone has got to start one! 9 Replies
Hello people in my discussion section! What made you choose 8 o clock discussion for art & architecture?
Started by Serina Romero. Last reply by Nicole Semana Oct. 16, 2009.
Out of 7 values, what values were deserted? and why did you keep last three? 9 Replies
Let us talk about our values.
Started by Jeehai Song. Last reply by Erica Row Oct. 27, 2009.
How is everyone doing handling the stress of midterms? 7 Replies
I just wanted to know how everyone was doing with the first midterms of the year. Are you feeling stressed? How are you dealing with it?
Started by Molly Doherty. Last reply by Raghav Goyal Oct. 27, 2009.
Curious about what method you would use to study for AA10 mid-term 7 Replies
The mid-term is comming up!!!! Since there is no hand-out, no study guide, no textbook. I wonder what are some useful way to study? ENLIGHTEN ME!!! ^^
Started by Hao Dieu. Last reply by Raghav Goyal Oct. 27, 2009.
Values 6 Replies
What values did you choose as your top 3 in the activity we did with Tony Deifell?
Started by sivana lavine. Last reply by Michael Meghpara Oct. 21, 2009.
Symphony! 5 Replies
I thought it was incredible that we had an entire orchestra in our classroom this morning, performing for US...what did everyone think of this 70 minute symphony we heard today?
Started by Christine ZIRNEKLIS. Last reply by Luixsana Gonzalez Nov. 7, 2009.
Live Performances 4 Replies
Now that we have been exposed to attending live performances, how do you feel about them? Do you like them ... or not so much?
Started by Serina Romero. Last reply by Jeehai Song Nov. 19, 2009.
What are your main hobbies and why do you do them? 1 Reply
I enjoy participating in sports because it gets my energy out in a positive way. I interact with people, learn communication and team-building skills, and gain valuable knowledge on how to lead. Also…
Started by sivana lavine. Last reply by Raghav Goyal Oct. 27, 2009.
why do you think it's ok to not to post anything here?:) 19 Replies
because we all becoming selfish...we don't have time for sharing anything with anyone and than blame everyone that they don't care about our feelings and thoughts...that's why it's getting harder and…
Started by natalia kartashova. Last reply by Amit inbar Oct. 20, 2009.